
Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

I am currently reading the Harry Potter series.  (Please—No comments about the story!  I’m only on Book 5!)  Perhaps that’s why I haven’t posted a blog in awhile.  I have been spending my free time reading and not writing.  Anyway, I came to realize today that my dreams are like boggarts.  For those of you that haven’t read the stories, a boggart is  a shape-shifter that takes on the form of its intended victim’s worst fear.  If you are terrified of spiders and encounter a boggart, there in front of you will be the most menacing spider you could have ever imagined.

So, I’ve been having really bad dreams lately.   I dunno if my sleep schedule is out of whack, or I’m eating something I shouldn’t before bed…who knows, but I only seem to have bad dreams about things I fear or dread.  (The other night I dreamt about zombies.  I guess I don’t consciously fear zombies, but they still don’t give you that warm, fuzzy feeling when you wake up.)  When I h ave bad dreams, I don’t feel as if I slept at all.  I’m exhausted.  Last night, I dreamt that Joe was going to divorce me.  It was so horrible.  I remember him packing saying he just couldn’t do it anymore.  But its not the dream that is so bad…its the feeling that it truly is real.  My boggart dream caused my little heart to break last night.

If only I could have a “Riddikulus” charm (the defense used in the book) equivalent.  Lucid dreaming would be a plus.  I could realize that this situation is just too horrible, too ridiculous to be real and just tell it to project something nicer.  Today was great because despite the fact I woke up upset, seeing Joe fast asleep right beside me calmed me like magic.  🙂

Any suggestions for combating pesky boggart dreams?  Think good thoughts?  Don’t read Harry Potter right before bed? Ha!

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